On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 09:55:51AM +0200, Florian Hubold wrote:
That would be my last question:
There is a patch in the gnumed-server package which disables interactively
runnning the bootstrapping script.
That patch is strange (but who am I to discuss with a
volunteer packager).
Just patch the main .conf file(s) to say
interactive = no
that's what that option is for.
But there is still the question asked:
1) Dropping old baseline gnumed_v2 database if there is any.
Signal an Server gesendet
Datenbank »gnumed_v2« wird unwiderruflich gelöscht werden.
Sind Sie sich sicher? (j/n) j
dropdb: Löschen der Datenbank fehlgeschlagen: FEHLER: Datenbank
»gnumed_v2« existiert nicht
This is not good for rpm installs, they should never be interactive.
I have improved this behaviour for the next release (0.3).
It now only asks whether or not bootstrapping is really
wanted when the (latest - 1) database appears to exist.
Usually one would want to run the upgrade script in that