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[Gnumed-devel] Re: Texlive and Gnumed

From: Gour
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Re: Texlive and Gnumed
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 19:22:27 +0100

On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 15:50:50 +0100
>>>>>> "Karsten" == Karsten Hilbert <address@hidden> wrote:

Karsten> > I'd likely include it if someone mailed me some code.
Karsten> Or sent me a git pull URL, for that matter =8-)

Ohh , well...I recently returned from holidays and met my (astrology)
teacher, so based on the info which I have now, it looks that I'll end
up using Qt to write desktop and app for mobile (MeeGo) platform,
although was certain for some time that wxWidgets would be OK.

Still, I hope some generous soul can take a look at reducing Gnumed's
deps by deploying rst. ;)



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: F96FF5F6

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