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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Simple improvements to Social network

From: Jim Busser
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Simple improvements to Social network
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2011 20:11:10 -0700

On 2011-08-07, at 11:32 AM, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

> I don't exactly follow what you want to say but there's both
> dem.identity.comment and inbox messages can be created for
> patients (which need better display, that much is agreed).

Some considerations, when they apply on an ongoing basis, are not well-suited 
to inbox items. Possibly some such things could go into


however this area is tiny, and so is easily missed (even if the user did input 
a lot of information) -- see screenshot from 0.9.9.

Moreover, given that the visual tags (such as wheelchair) – while helpful – may 
be insufficiently informative, here are things that may be important for both 
staff and clinician to be able to know in the demographics of patient care:

- language / communication limitations or special needs
- mental limitations or special needs
        can they even consent to their own care?
        who has the authority to approve decisions?
- mobility limitations or special needs
- preferences:

        allow / disallow remote login / access to GNUmed
        may be communicated-with by email
        may have voice messages left for them
        may desire / require public key encryption for such information
        storage of the public key
        days of week available / unavailable for appointments


does any of the above make a case to create a Preferences tab?

should the information be managed as pairs stored in


where enum_pref_types could include (they could have a leading upper case 
letter though the comm channels do not):


and there could be a free text comment (equivalent to URL in comm channels) to 
store the "value".

BTW is there any preference for the sequencing of tabs within Demographics? I 
am thinking that to position them based on their more fundamental nature or 
clinical importance might be

        Identity / Social network / Contacts / Preferences

-- Jim 

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