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Re: [Gzz] Time used

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz] Time used
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 12:41:19 +0200
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Hi Matti!

Matti Katila wrote:

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Benja Fallenstein wrote:
Um, are you saying that 3rd (view) is only used when the window doesn't have a background setting of its own?

The list was poorly composed because window doesn't belong to it.

I don't agree: So far, in Gzz each window has had an independent background setting. I think that's a good thing. From the aesthetic side, it's nice to be able to (but not forced to) assign different bg colors/images to different windows, so that the different windows don't look as similar as grey mice ;-). From the usability side, having the window background have a similarity with the window's cursor seems very useful: Many users seem to have a hard time understanding the tight link between the cursors and the windows (that each window has a cursor, each cursor has a window, that THIS window's cursor is always at the center of THIS window, and which cursor belongs to which window). Being able to say "Well, it's the *green* cursor and the *green* window, and it's the *blue* cursor and the *blue* window, see?" seems very useful.

Things which *might* have an influence to selected window's bg are:
1 mode
2 view

Benja: hmm.. am I correct if you think like:
-mode should change the backcolor?

and I think like:
-anything might want to change backcolor.

Hm, I think that many things should be able to change backcolor, but in the default design the list should be limited: users need to understand what's going on, so you don't want to give a single "information channel" too many different things to communicate. But I do think default window backgrounds are a thing we want to have.

Simple machine have basically an input and an output.
I think the background can be used as an output to user.
[see flash(); in (n)curses]

I agree that flashing the background to get the user's attention is useful (though difficult with the current vob system). So, I think the default rules should be:

1. Some conditions (usually errors, I think) may flash the background; this overrides all other bg settings. 2. Some modes can have background settings. This should be used sparingly. Maybe have one color for text edit mode and another color for 'special' modes (all but normal and text edit). Or maybe just one color (white) for all modes but normal.
3. If neither of the above applies, the window's default background is used.

But anyway, we still have a huge difference of the information of how gzz is implemented. So, maybe it is best for me to forget this for a while.

Maybe not: this is visual design, not implementation, so feel free to say what you think would be useful ;-)

- Benja

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