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Re: [Gzz] Summing up...

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: Re: [Gzz] Summing up...
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 13:52:38 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

> >>So, I promised getting AWT to work ASAP 
> >>after the demo is over, and since our next meeting is on Monday, that's 
> >>my deadline for that.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >Sounds very good. If there's anything I can do to help, do tell, I have
> >some time tomorrow.
> >
> How about making the connections work again? The problem is not showing 
> them in gl (I have a fix) but the coordinate systems: currently they're 
> drawn between the ul corners of the cells, because of the (w=2, h=2) 
> coord systems. Fix needs to be implemented in both VobVanishing and RowCol.

So we want to move to the convention that Vobs are in (0,0)..(1,1)?
Any opposition?

> >Hmmmmmm.
> >
> >What I'm thinking is whether celltexter is the right interface; this goes
> >again the same route as enfiladematching: is this robust and clear enough
> >to be in the core.
> >
> >Because it might be better to handle this by the views, possibly through
> >an intermediate interface.
> >
> Hm. That means that the insertText() etc. functions won't work with it. 
> Isn't the point of celltexter to hide the implementation details of 
> text, presenting "the text in a cell" in a coherent way and allowing 
> editing of it through a set of methods that take care that the internals 
> (xu identity etc.) aren't broken?

Yes, but here there are more implementation details than usually.


How about keeping it outside the core for now, making an implementation
on top of it, and then, later, we can move it in once it's really

The thing about the core is that it's much easier to add stuff than
to remove. Every feature that goes in must be really carefully specified
to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.

I mean, I'm not saying absolutely no to this but I want us to mull over
this for quite some time before doing it - at least a couple of releases.

I really want us to understand all the tradeoffs. Also, how much 
policy would the core need to handle for this: e.g. on text 
insertion, how does it decide which cells things go into?


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