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Re: [Gzz] Third, PEG cursors--humppake: Changing mouse cursor

From: Asko Soukka
Subject: Re: [Gzz] Third, PEG cursors--humppake: Changing mouse cursor
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 09:25:57 +0300 (EEST)

Benja Fallenstein wrote:
> Tuomas Lukka wrote:
>> Benja Fallenstein wrote:
[does java.awt.Cursor init AWT?]
>> >There is no reason for it to-- it's simply a wrapper around and int
>> >constant. Kaffe implements it that way, too.
>> What about jdk 1.4?
>> Do any other classes get loaded which might do a global awt init?
> How should I know?
> Do Rectangle, Dimension and Point load any other classes which might do 
> a global awt init? How do you know?

Well, propably it's easier to leave java.awt.Cursor off from general 
GraphicsAPI than prove that it doesn't load any AWT classes, which may 
cause the AWT init :/


Tuomas Lukka wrote:
> No, we need to define a stable subset somewhere. AWT and GL can then
> extend it as they like.
> - GraphicsAPI uses String and works for both AWT and GL

"Somewhere"? In the javadoc of GraphicsAPI.Window.setCursor()?

Although, we should check somewhere that Cursor corresponding to given
string exists. Should it throw just Error or some existing/new exception 
if proposed cursor doesn't exist?

Should that check be done in both AWTScreen and GLScreen distinctly or 
should we use our own Cursor wrapper class for this? And then we would 
be just reinventing then wheel / the java.awt.Cursor :/

> - AWTAPI has additional call for Cursor objects, so if you know you're
>   running in awt you can typecast

Yes. This is so simple, that it could exists anyway.

Asko Soukka <address@hidden>

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