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Re: Who to contact about the gateway [Was: Re: Fixing news-mail gateway

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Who to contact about the gateway [Was: Re: Fixing news-mail gateway [Was: Re: Newsgroups mailing-list gateway broken thread]]
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 19:39:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

Garreau, Alexandre wrote:

> My primary gnus-select-method was nnnil so
> I needed to set it back to (nntp "news") so
> to do that, but yes it works, and indeed, it
> is in a very poor state. Way worse than
> I thought, and also way worse than here: all
> threads, even with sorting by date activated,
> are all garbled

Threading works well, at least for me.
Actually everything works well in terms of
technology. What doesn't work, or what is
working worse and worse for each year, is the
"human factor".

And because no newcomers are arriving one can
almost even at this point consider Usenet
dead technology.

Gmane is of course just as good to discuss
technology and computers, FOSS projects, and so
on, but to be able the discuss ANYTHING with
a uniform, text-based interface is probably
a thing of the past.

underground experts united

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