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Re: Determining whether gnunet is connected

From: Fungilife can be eternal
Subject: Re: Determining whether gnunet is connected
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2022 16:37:46 +0000

> Since GNUnet is currently an academic exercise, it should be removed
> from main distribution repositories. For example: Anyone thinking to
> try GNUnet on Debian-based machines would look in Synaptic and install
> GNUnet v0.10.1. Presumably that build-version worked when it was first
> included in the repositories, but now GNUnet is at v0.16.0 which is not
> backward compatible.

In Arch, where anything alpha-beta ends up in AUR within minutes, you can
simply install gnunet git latest commit.  And this is where the handbook
is wrong.  It is hiding crucial setup information under "installation".
Someone who didn't go through the trouble of building the software manually
and used the package-manager, has it already installed, they will not go
back and read installation instructions.

I am more in favor of rearranging and relabeling current documents,
at least addressing this discrepancy, rather than whoever made the AUR pkg
to remove it as misleading non-completely-functional software.

> The low version number should warn users away, but GNUnet in the
> repositories is misleading given its low level of development.

This is what I have installed at this moment:
% pacman -Qs gnunet
local/gnunet-git 0.16.0.alpha.6.r101.g7dbabde5e-1
    A framework for secure peer-to-peer networking
local/gnurl 7.72.0-01
    fork of libcurl, which is mostly for GNUnet

while curl is up to 7.81.0

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tirifto
> To:
> Subject: Re: Determining whether gnunet is connected
> Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 14:34:19 +0000
> On Tue, 01 Mar 2022 20:28:22 +0000
> Fungilife can be eternal wrote:
> > Where does it say on the front page, or on the packages thrown out in
> > Arch's AUR and elsewhere, "alpha project not fully functional"??
> > "we know ..."  ..."Nobody is claiming otherwise"  you may know,
> > someone in authority of the gnunet site should also tell the world.
> For what it’s worth, it is very clearly mentioned in the ‘Install’ page
> on the website, accessible either from the navigation bar’s
> ‘Documentation’ menu, or by scrolling down the home page and clicking
> ‘Get started’. I would assume that anyone stumbling upon the GNUnet
> website and wondering how they can get started wouldn’t miss it, but I
> may just as well be wrong. More prominent it could be, in any case.

It is good to know, but see above on how someone would probably miss it,
whether it is GNUnet 0.01 from debian unstable or 0.16 from Obarun stable.
It is installed, bang, let's get to running it!  How?

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