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Re: Installing GNUstep on i686-pc-linux-gnu (SuSE 7.3)

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Installing GNUstep on i686-pc-linux-gnu (SuSE 7.3)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 12:07:10 +0100 (BST)

> > Seems odd. Have you installed gnustep-base-1.3.3 and gnustep-gui-0.7.8? 
> > I'm confused by your comment that 'this did not install the 
> > Foundation...' (which is gnustep-base).
> I've got base 1.1.0 and gui 0.7.5 - do these not work?
> They are certainly marked as 'stable' releases in  I also
> have gdomap and the other daemons working.
> WHen I say 'this did not install the Foundation', 
> what I actually meant was that running 'gcc -Wno-import -ggdb
> helloworld.m -o helloworld -lobjc' on code such as:
> ***
> #import<Foundation/Foundation.h>
> [...]
> ***
> produces the error:
> "helloworld.m:1:33: Foundation/Foundation.h: No such file or directory
> helloworld.m:6: Cannot find interface declaration for `NSObject', superclass 
> of `helloObject'"
> Now if I'm invoking the compiler incorrectly, please tell me.

You have passed no -I compiler options ... so the compiler can't find the
header files.  You have two options -

 * figure out the compilers -I -L -l flags (and any other flag required
indeed) by hand.  This is possible, but certainly not recommended at the
beginning (and indeed if possible I would always avoid it).

 * use gnustep-make to find the flags for you :-) this is the suggested
option, definitely at the beginning.

To learn how to use gnustep-make, I point you to the first tutorial listed
on the page

it's extremely easy to use.  It should take you ten minutes to learn.

> However even if the above is true, it doesn't explain the compilation 
> errors with gnustep-back.

Yes :-)

My suggestion to solve that problem is ... Try newer versions of the
libraries !  I suggest to always take the latest available stable version! 
Many people use CVS directly.

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