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Re: Support RMS

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Re: Support RMS
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 11:22:45 -0300
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Em 25/03/2021 20:57, Ali Reza Hayati escreveu:
> FSF board has received lots of messages today and there's no need to add to 
> the pile. Please send your support for RMS to and ask them to 
> resist pressures and stay with us.
> Software libre is a matter of justice. If we can learn one thing from the 
> whole movement is to keep our principals and fight for justice. FSF made a 
> mistake back in 2019 and that was not to defend RMS against false 
> accusations. Today, we can make that right by supporting a wonderful 
> honorable man.
> Show your support by sending messages to Do it now, later may 
> be late.

All this is complicated subject. There is no way to know if it was or wasn't 
the board the one responsible for electing RMS back to it. It could have been 
the other voting members, whose list I don't know where it is, how to contact 
them, or what they do.

So all letter so far seem imprecise in this case, since they are asking to 
either clear the board positions or attacking staff or any voting member 
without proof that these parts were involved.

Any important change must happen from inside, so either people start joining as 
board members or (unlisted?) voting members and demand change, or we are bound 
to walk in circles. For whichever side, except when there is excessive pressure 
or stress involved, for me it doesn't seem a good reason to leave the voting 
position if you do care to make change, since every one who leaves will 
contribute to more percentage growth of those who oppose whichever person is 
leaving due to this mess.

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