Le 1 mars 2022 21:32:35 GMT+01:00, Greg Farough <gregf@fsf.org> a écrit :
Hi, all,
We have some news to share, which is that Zoë Kooyman has been
appointed our new executive director. I hope that you'll all join me
in welcoming her, and in thanking John S. for so many years with us.
Thank you John for what you've done for free software during all these years,
freeing the future. Congratulations to you, Zoë, on your new position.
I hope this begins a new era for FSF while tensions around the world arise and
explode, and digital freedom are at stake like never before. There's a lot to
do. I think you can count on all of us, free software activists and advocates.
Adrien Bourmault
Trésorier de l'Association Libre en Communs,
Associate member, Free Software Foundation
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