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Re: (renamed) Misc mailing list

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: (renamed) Misc mailing list
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 00:30:04 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.0 (2022-02-12)

* andrew via libreplanet-discuss <> 
[2022-04-14 18:30]:
> The reason I posted this here are:
> (1) During the lockdown, we are obligated to use the following nonfree
>     software:

How are you obligated? Which law, rule or policy is asking you that?

Please provide references if there are any WWW references, so that we
may complain to those organizations.

>     1. Tencent Meetings for school;
>     2. 随申办 for getting a QR code as a token for mandated COVID tests;
>        Simply swiping a second-generation citizen ID cart is
>        "deprecated" for some reason;

I wish I could understand, but QR code is not a software. Is there
software that is obligated to be installed?

>     3. Nonfree online shopping platforms, mainly used by my family,
>        because that's the only way people get food.

Who is obligating you to use it? If it is "online" does that mean it
is website with non-free Javascript?

>     1. I see social issues like this an important extension of the ideas
>        of the movement---our goal is not free software, it's a free
>        society, while free software is indeed one of the first steps
>        (paraphrasing RMS);

Free society is not same as Libreplanet. I don't think it is good to
discuss what "free" means for this or that party, as we are global, we
are people from various places. What may mean "free society" for one
person may be occupation for other.

>     2. Sorry, I'm just a bit raged at the policy, and thinking it's
>        freedom related I kinda need somewhere for it to go (not a good
>        reason, bruh);

Libreplanet is not generally freedom related, it is about free
software and freedom in computing. If we discuss topics that are
generally freedom related we deviate into a lot of politics and the
tendency may disperse people on this mailing list who are otherwise
interested in free software, and not general freedom topics.

We better keep it on topic related to free software.

>     3. The lockdowns here depict authoritarianism and DISRESPECT for
>        individuality,


> it's kind-of like how people are forced to use Zoom and WhatsApp and
> GitHub because everyone is on it (also why federated and distributed
> things like GNUnet are cool).

There is no direct connection between lockdowns and proprietary

If you think you are forced, then complain to those who force you, and
please if possible provide references that I give you suggestion how
to complain.

For example if organization is forcing you to use Zoom, then I would
like to ask organization if they would, due to force, also provide
all the hardware for the software. I would give them reasons why it is
not good, such as privacy abuses, backdoors, proprietary software, etc.

> Either way, I do believe a -misc list makes sense.

And I don't, as FSF has free software as purpose, and not general
politics as purpose. 

You are free to make your own mailing list. But using people on
Libreplanet mailing list for whatever other politics is somehow not
quite fair. 

I don't mind if FSF makes such decisions, I am stating my opinion. FSF
is non-profit and has specific purposes that must fit into the law,
into the IRS tax-free status and social benefits.

Every person is free to pay few dollars and make a mailing list that
is not related to free software.

> Free Software is our first step to a free society,

I don't know what you mean with "free society". Can you define it?


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