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Re: (renamed) Misc mailing list

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: (renamed) Misc mailing list
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 10:30:03 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.0 (2022-02-12)

* andrew <> [2022-04-18 09:40]:
> In large cities, during lockdowns, the government sends food to people,
> but that's quite minimal.  Most of what my family eats is still
> retreived through online shopping, the only way possible.  And all those
> * shopping platforms require (1) a mobile phone and (2) nonfree
> JavaScript.

That is sad.

Then there is one option to keep persisting on free software and
users' freedom in computing by promoting:

The JavaScript Trap - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

and helping people understand, as only when there is number of people
with awareness changes will take place.

I am sure in China there are human rights defined in laws, and one
shall find which apply to free software and then put focus on such
laws and prevention of human rights abuses by usage of proprietary

For example in some countries one may argue WHY did country allow only
specific provider to be accepted and provide free software? 

One could also find bugs, backdoors or other issues in such software
and block it for that reason by complaining to authorities, and in
same time provide replacement.

One could make free software and provide replacement to authorities
and explain why.


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