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Re: [Pan-users] [OT] Statistical word analysis?

From: James Hawtin
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] [OT] Statistical word analysis?
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 14:47:23 +0000 (GMT)

On 12 Apr 2002, Aristotle wrote:

> James,
> I think that is totally fair.  I was flamed in a bad way once time on a
> local Linux discussion group regarding downloads of ADSL providers (some
> worked for and ran one and other ISPs so they were quite defensive).  I
> suggested that unless it is unmetred - it's defeats the purpose and then
> all hell broke loose about greedy leechers vs stingy ISPs etc.

Hay don't get me wrong, I was not complaining, I think they offer a very
attractive package (after all I use it rather than someone else). Yes I
might like more of X rather than Y, but over all it all compensates for

Personally I am glad everyone is capped, perhaps if my download was twice
as fast things would take 2 rather than 4 hours But what does that matter,
I still have to wait and do something else for a while so in the scheme of
things it would make no difference, I still get enough bandwidth in a
month to do everything I want to. Having Reasonable caps means that
other people also cannot abuse the system, and ruin my experience. I don't
get a static IP, however my "dynamic" one has not changed in 1.5 years.
Infact I found out from a tech what they do. Basically if you run lots of
"servers" (you are allowed servers with up to 5 incomming connections),
like anon ftp or http the only two your not allowed. They Bounce your IP,
to break them.

All it all I think its a good price for a resonable product 25 UKP (37

Infact my only complaint now is there news server has been improved and
can spit out data so fast it can swamp my other connections ;-) hay but I
can live with that.

> Or if I ran my own news server (ha ha) - that would really blow the
> link.

And I bet if you did you would not require half the articles you,

> I think broadband, datacasting, digital TV is all in a state of flux at
> the moment.  Most ISPs compete on plan configuration rather than actual
> price - the world over?  But governments and corporations (read:
> Micro$oft) are pushing for broadband in the consumer market.

I would have to agree, and I would like to thank bill for forcing PC specs
though the roof, when i bought my first PC, I wanted somethging good
enough to run unix, so it was a 486 DX66 (when it just came out) with 32
Meg of ram and a 1.3 gig hard disk, also I had a CD-rom (one speed) and it
cost greater than 3500 UKP. Now I can just go and by normal components and
they are  more than enough to meet my needs sub 1000 UKP price. Bill has
saved me lots of money when I think about it, damn I almost sound


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