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[Pan-users] Re: ANNOUNCE: pan-attach and pan-attach-kd, version 0.0.2006

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: ANNOUNCE: pan-attach and pan-attach-kd, version 0.0.2006.10.07.0
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2006 15:47:48 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: pan 0.115 (Mrs. Kerr Says Remember the Tip Jar)

Steve Jeppesen <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Sat, 07 Oct
2006 07:10:25 -0500:

> I would like to try pan-attach-kd, but since I have to ask how do I use
> it - maybe I shouldn't be asking?  LOL

Well, assuming you have KDE installed... it shouldn't be that hard. 
Download the script, check it if you don't trust me, put it in your path
somewhere (I have mine in ~/bin, my regular user's bin dir, which is my
path), and set it executable.  (I deliberately turned OFF the executable
bit for posting, so folks wouldn't run it accidentally before they'd
checked it if they wanted to.)

>From there, run it, and it should spit out a help screen telling you what
else you need to do...  Among other things, you'll need kdialog (part of
kdebase as I said so you'll have it if you have KDE installed) and
uudeview. If your distribution doesn't have uudeview available, there's a
link to its home page in the help text.

Once those are installed, you have to tell pan to use pan-attach-kd as its
external editor.  That's pretty simple.  On new-pan, open the post article
window, and from the edit menu, first choose manage editor list and add it
there, then choose set editor and select it from the choices you just
added it to.  You should now be setup.  Run it from pan by using the
run editor button in the post article window.

If everything has been setup correctly, hitting the run editor button will
popup the first dialog of pan-attach-kd, the encoding selection dialog. 
Here, you have three encoding choices, plus pass-thru and help.  (Read
help for the pass-thru info, it allows you to setup a real external editor
to pass the post to if you want to do that rather than attaching a file.) 
Yenc doesn't work on new-pan at this point, and text/identity encoding is
for copying in a text file as-is, no encoding at all, so really the only
true encoding choice ATM is uuencode.

After selecting the encoding type and hitting OK, up pops the file
selection dialog.  Select a file, and provided your user can read it,
pan-attach-kd should attach it to the post and return you to the pan post
article window, ready to hit the send-article button or continue with
further attachments or edits as necessary.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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