Scott Christley wrote:
On Sep 25, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
I'm curious to know if you will want to call your package "libswarm"
rather than "swarm".
Didn't think about it until you mentioned it, was thinking just
"swarm" but there does seem a convention to use "lib" when its a
library. Looking further though we might want to consider different
Swarm variations, especially considering the different GUIs and such,
for example:
Until now, we've had RPMs for
1. swarm 0bjective C
2. optional JDK addon
3. optional gcc-java addon
This has not been entirely happy because the precise version of the
must be specified, and that caused trouble where some people wanted to
use Sun JDK, others Kaffe, others Blackdown whatever...
If that perception (guess) was accurate, it makes me think we should
provide a swarm-core at all, but rather we should aim to give each
just one big package, one for Swarm-Objective C (if possible, it
support all possible GUI), one for Swarm-Java.