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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Re: TCC:cannot find -l"xyz.dll"

From: lostgallifreyan
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Re: TCC:cannot find -l"xyz.dll"
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 03:27:38 +0100

An afterthough based on Lua, which might help to explain how this could work 
for TCC...

If I write a "Test File.lua" in an arbitray location with the following line 
inside it:
print(arg[1])  os.remove(arg[1])

... and I then make a new empty file on the destop 'New Text File.txt', I can 
drag three files, adding a space between them: (Spaces exaggerated for clarity)
(Though Lua's own is on my system path so I normally just type 'lua'..)

arg[1], which is the passed file's path, will be printed as follows:

Then the file will be removed, proving that Lua fully understands what DOS 8.3 
convention means.

I mention this because this is the default Lua source, this wasn't a special 
Windows compile. There could be something in Luh's code that you can use to 
help TCC to do this too. It's not just about making it easier for Windows 
users, it's about making it versatile. Elegance is a matter of perspective. 
While Windows displays all-caps shortnames with only the first letter 
capitalised (truly nasty!) there is some good in the way it handles paths. The 
coders of Lua obviously agreed, as they implented excellent handling for them.

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