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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Re: TCC:cannot find -l"xyz.dll"

From: lostgallifreyan
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Re: TCC:cannot find -l"xyz.dll"
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 10:30:52 +0100

"Jon A. Lambert" <address@hidden> wrote:
(09/04/2009 09:57)

>As a long time windows user I've had no problems using tcc
>I've never dragged and dropped files to a DOS box
>I never use the desktop as a file storage area
>Microsoft dropped support for DOS/win9x systems many years ago
>What's odd about the above technique is it's limited to the most trivial of 

Most of those points are purely personal preference so I'll just answer this 
"Microsoft dropped support for DOS/win9x systems many years ago"

If code runs well on W9X, (which is good, just unforgiving of laziness and 
error) then it likely runs well on all Win32 platforms. Many excellent coders 
realise this and support it. people here have just recommended to me various 
API help files that date from W95's time. I doubt they chose unwisely. As I 
chose to stay with W98 I have two reasons to deeply respect those who do 
support W9X as well. And judging by the fact thay they'd not cease to do so if 
I suddenly turned on my own choices to agree with you, I think we're both 
outnumbered in the reckoning. M$ chose to drop it because it wasn't lucrative 
anymore, and it tended to amalgamate a lot of functions in fewer system files 
so it caused bother when updates were made, and people were asking for 
something more. A lot of other people stayed, some (like Rudolph Loew), making 
very good patches for its most significant weaknesses. M$ might have dropped 
support, but it'sd not going to die any time soon. Hell, even DOS has grown 
vastly beyond anything expected when people were writing its obituaries. There 
are firms dedicated to it and making a living off it.

Beyond this statement, I am reluctant to get into debate over OS choices.

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