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Re: [Tinycc-devel] configury (was const_wanted)

From: Thomas Preud'homme
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] configury (was const_wanted)
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 17:39:32 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.7 (Linux/3.0.0-1-amd64; KDE/4.6.5; x86_64; ; )

Le samedi 6 août 2011 16:55:15, grischka a écrit :
> Thomas Preud'homme wrote:
> >> Does gcc try prefixes for crt objects?
> > 
> > I don't know for the upstream gcc but I did a try on my debian system
> > 
>  > and it is:
> > [...]
> Sure, why else should they have 250kb of gcc.c driver code.
> > Attached is a patch to implement the solution you were asking for.
> Well, note, I was _suggesting_ a solution.  Good however that you
> also suggested one, so I changed the option names because I liked
> yours better.
Sorry, suggesting then. Anyway I'm happy to use any solution as long as it 
makes tcc work on my system.
> Anyway I pushed some patches so you can have crtprefix1:crtprefix2.
> Note that it's also sysrooted.  I don't know why you changed that.
Did I? When? I was probably not careful enough.
>     http://repo.or.cz/w/tinycc.git?a=shortlog;h=e844fb11
I've looked your commit quickly but I mostly notice the "Oh Deer!" in the 
commit message. I may have insisted too much on it. It's indeed a bit more 
annoying but I already sorted out the correct dependency to work without this 
in the next upload.

For the include and library path searching both place is a need since 
libraries and headers will come from different packages, some of them 
supporting multiarch, some not yet. But for files (crt*.o and even libgcc_s 
although it's in another package) they are in only one package and it could be 
sorted out through stricter dependency. It put a bit more constraints on the 
package manager but that's about all.

So I'm very pleased to have this commit but if it really annoys you then 
revert it.
> Another patch should also fix the x86_64 bug you labeled as "fails
> to assign in global scope".  Actually it wasn't quite that, rather
> that pretty much everything failed, make test and all.  ;)
I hope it's not the again one of my commits.

Anyway, thanks again for your work. I'm happy to see I'll be able to drop all 
the patches currently in Debian.
> --- grischka

Best regards,

Thomas Preud'homme

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