Thanks for this feedback, it's pretty useful to hear it from a different perspective. You'll be happy to know that you're absolutely not the only one with that perspective, especially on the Committee. Albeit, I'm not sure how to feel from the notion that "things being grueling to get through, while difficult, is a feature". Of course, I know that it's not the way it's intended; I would just rather we throw ideas that we don't think are good out wholesale and as soon as humanly possible, so people don't spend too much time on it!
While a decent portion of what is going in feels very new to C (especially nullptr and constexpr), I feel like there's still a significant degree of catching up the standard has to do for implementations in general. typeof is a pretty big example of this, something that was talked about before I was born! The BSDs have been using asm labels for 26+ years to prevent ABI problems to great effect and TCC itself uses assembly labels to alias things like "memcpy" to "__builtin_memcpy". Statement expressions would make macros a lot more palatable and many compilers -- including small ones like TCC -- already have it baked in!
For me the focus for the next standard is going to be tackling a lot of the existing practice and extensions that compilers like TCC bring to the table and put them with sensible semantics in the standard. A lot of that is going to be looping back to the community and positing questions about their implementations -- not just GCC and Clang but TCC, MikroC, 8cc, klokwork, Cuik, and others -- so we can stabilize on features beyond C89 + extensions that people have been asking for/implementing for some decades now.
I can only apologize as I'm new at this and am bound to mess up from time to time. BUT, I am eager to do my best to bring all of your concerns to the forefront and make sure even the smallest implementations have a seat at the table. I even honored my promise to write an NB Comment to remove nullptr from the C standard, and presented it this week to WG14; community feedback is important, because C can only get farther -- in my opinion -- if we do it with respect for the vast experience that all implementations have brought to the table.
Just make sure to ping me every now and then if you see something that would make your life harder. And, really, that goes for most people on the list. I can't say I'll get to it immediately, and I will always be bound by ISO Process and Procedural constraints, but I will do my best to make sure you're heard and, where possible, listened to seriously.
Best Wishes,