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Fw: [Xnee-devel] Packaging xnee for debian

From: Josh Dukes
Subject: Fw: [Xnee-devel] Packaging xnee for debian
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 00:48:28 -0700

forgot to send this to the list...

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 16:31:46 -0700
From: Josh Dukes <address@hidden>
To: Henrik Sandklef <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [Xnee-devel] Packaging xnee for debian

> > libxnee
> Both static (.a) and dyn (.so) lib?

The few programs I've written are usually pretty small if they're in
C. I haven't really ever written anything big enough to have a library,
or important enough to be distributed. I'm generally an administrator,
not a developer. That being said, yeah... now that I think about it
that doesn't make sense. I was initially thinking that the static libs
would go with the headers, but that's stupid. Everything should be
dynamic and there shouldn't be any static libs. So libxnee should have
only .so, libxnee-dev should only have headers, xnee bins should be
dynamically linked against libxnee. Yeah... so what I said was totally

Perhaps, for the short term, it would make sense to just build one
xnee package with everything, track down all the deps, then split
everything out on the next package release. Ross Burton suggested that
by using uupdate we could probably have some kind of package fairly
quickly. Although I think it may be slightly more difficult than
expected, I do think this might be the best initial approach. I'm going
to see what I can do to move forward on this while we continue to
discuss the right way to distribute this package. The only reason I
suggest doing this over just xnee-cli is that an xnee-cli package
wouldn't be a real update for the xnee package currently in Debian, and
even if that helps us it doesn't really help the community in the way
we'd like to.

> ..... tomorrow....



Josh Dukes
MicroVu IT Department

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