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Re: [Monotone-devel] package_full_revision.txt and derived files

From: Dean Kusler
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] package_full_revision.txt and derived files
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 08:22:58 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Jon Bright wrote:

Very few Windows users have Python. For people with decent package management, getting scons (and its dependencies) is probably pretty easy. Unless it's really necessary, though, I think it's probably an unwise choice for Monotone, as it makes building of Montone more difficult on systems *without* good package management (like Windows).

While that is probably true (although I certainly have Python installed on my Windows machines), installation of Python and Scons only requires downloading and running two windows executables. If we package scons-local with monotone, then you only need to download and run the python installer. I haven't tried it, but we might be able to produce a binary windows executable of Scons using something like cx_Freeze or py2exe.

Regardless of that, I think that asking people to have Python and Scons
installed on Windows isn't much more uncommon then asking them to have all of the other required development tools. Besides, they don't need to have Python and Scons to *run* Monotone, and I think that most Windows users will want to just download the newest compile from and use that.

Now, as to whether it's worth it to switch the build system over at this point... I have no idea. I have worked a little bit with Scons, but I've avoided make/automake/autoconf because it's always seemed like such a huge pain in the ass. I've built Monotone a couple of times, and other than getting the right version of automake to run in Gentoo I didn't have too many problems.

I think that the decision to switch should be done on technical merit of the systems and the time required to do the switch, and I will leave that decision up to the people who know what they're talking about. I just think that the argument shouldn't get hung up on Python and Scons build dependencies.


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