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Re: [Monotone-devel] Problem with monotone 0.29

From: Zack Weinberg
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Problem with monotone 0.29
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 08:46:31 -0700

On 8/27/06, Thomas Moschny <address@hidden> wrote:
On Sunday 27 August 2006 14:58 Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> Oh well. The autopackage people have a tool called "apgcc" that's
> supposed to provide workarounds for this:

Yeah, saw that too.
It seems a bit hackish, but I think I'll have a closer look.

I looked at this briefly - but even on a brief inspection I can say
with some confidence that it's going to stop working (not just need
updating; be rendered totally unworkable) with later glibc revisions
on the build system, and already puts programs compiled with it at
risk of mysterious runtime failures.

Y'see, what they're doing is stuffing a whole bunch of assembler
directives into each object file which force a list of symbols to be
linked against older symbol-versions (or not linked at all, for
symbols not present in older glibc).  This is going to stop working
with newer glibc (possibly also newer binutils) on the build system
because newer glibc renders those symbols inaccessible at link time.
They don't make any effort to adjust the headers back to the way they
were in the older glibc (that I can see), which is where the risk of
mysterious runtime failures comes from: some of those functions have
multiple symbol versions because their calling conventions changed,
and as far as I can tell, the generated code is going to try to call
the old symbols with the new convention...


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