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Re: [Pika-dev] so... string work

From: Matthew Dempsky
Subject: Re: [Pika-dev] so... string work
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 19:07:25 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Tom Lord <address@hidden> writes:

> That's a trickier issue.  
> It would be good to have 
>    t_scm_error scm_extract_string (t_udstr * answer, [....])
> but not an `scm_string_value' that gives you the _same_ t_udstr used
> by the Scheme string (except in the innards).

I was actually intending to provide something like the
scm_extract_string you mentioned and just use scm_string_value as an
accessor to the data types binary data.  Roughly equal to how numbers
has scm_bignum_value and scm_number_to_bignum -- the first is just an
accessor (and assumes you have the right data type), while the latter
does type checking and is the routine the user's actually intended to

(Initially I was thinking of returning a uni_string with an input
encoding value to specify what the output should be -- would it still
be useful in the form of scm_extract_uni_string?)

> The issue is t_udstr is not intended to be a thread-safe or async-safe
> function.   A t_udstr owned by a Scheme object may change size or
> encoding or (data) address at essentially any time.
> With one exception:  This is what scm_lock_string_data and
> scm_lock_string_data2 are for.   Between them and the corresponding
> scm_release_* call, the t_udstr(s) is (are) promised to be stable.

Just one question about scm_lock_string_data2 -- what was the
rationale behind this?  Is it anything but a wrapper to two
scm_lock_string_data calls?

> Gee, I've been presuming that GMP is thread/async-safe.  Is it?  (If
> not, that doesn't change any interfaces -- only implementations,
> later, when threading and asyncs are added.)

Here's what the GMP manual has to say about thread/async issues (from

> Reentrancy
> GMP is reentrant and thread-safe, with some exceptions:
>     * If configured with --enable-alloca=malloc-notreentrant (or
>     with --enable-alloca=notreentrant when alloca is not available),
>     then naturally GMP is not reentrant.

I'll leave you to decide how serious this issue is.

>     * mpf_set_default_prec and mpf_init use a global variable for
>     the selected precision. mpf_init2 can be used instead.
>     * mpz_random and the other old random number functions use a
>     global random state and are hence not reentrant. The newer
>     random number functions that accept a gmp_randstate_t parameter
>     can be used instead.

These functions aren't used so they aren't an issue.

>     * mp_set_memory_functions uses global variables to store the
>     selected memory allocation functions.
>     * If the memory allocation functions set by a call to
>     mp_set_memory_functions (or malloc and friends by default) are
>     not reentrant, then GMP will not be reentrant either.

Again, I'll let you decide the severity, but to give a little bit of
background context -- by default, GMP uses libc's malloc and friends
routines to handle memory, but it accesses them via function pointers
set by mp_set_memory_functions.  Because the normal malloc routines
aren't interface compatible with lim_malloc et al, I've skipped over
this issue for now.  (Besides, even if I did hack it to use
lim_malloc, presently lim_malloc is implemented with libc's malloc

Because gmp rather nicely seperates its library into some core numeric
routines (mpn_*) optimized for different platforms and the wrapper
functions (mpz_* and mpf_*) that handle memory allocation and more
useful routines, maybe a long term goal would be to branch GMP and
"port" the routines to hackerlab and stick in alloc_limits somewhere.
(I daresay this could be done rather easily and backwards compatibly
by just modifying the __mpz_struct to hold an alloc_limits value and
then create a new mpz_init_limits function.)

>     * If the standard I/O functions such as fwrite are not reentrant
>     then the GMP I/O functions using them will not be reentrant
>     either.

The I/O functions aren't used at all.

>     * It's safe for two threads to read from the same GMP variable
>     simultaneously, but it's not safe for one to read while the
>     another might be writing, nor for two threads to write
>     simultaneously. It's not safe for two threads to generate a
>     random number from the same gmp_randstate_t simultaneously,
>     since this involves an update of that variable.

The only time a GMP value is actually modified is in its construction,
so again this is safe.

>     * On SCO systems the default <ctype.h> macros use per-file
>     static variables and may not be reentrant, depending whether the
>     compiler optimizes away fetches from them. The GMP text-based
>     input functions are affected.

I intend to use GMP's input functions to parse text, but haven't
implemented it yet so this may be an issue... on the other hand, I
don't really care about SCO.  (If I _should_ though, tell me and I'll
see what I can do.)


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