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Re: GUI design of 0.7

From: Joel Biddier
Subject: Re: GUI design of 0.7
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 17:06:38 -0800
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Valentin Ungureanu wrote:

GIMP has a menubar at the top of each image window, it was added almost 2
years ago in the development version and is enabled by default in GIMP 2.0.
There is on option to turn it off in the preferences dialog.

Sorry, but my widget terminology is bad (seeing I only know Tkinter widget set – and I'm not all great at it yet.) . I seem to use different words to describe that same thing (for example, “main window” and “document window” ). And I don't describe widgets correctly or in detail.

The issue is not the “drop menu” menu bar (i.e. File, Edit, ..., Help and so on...) on the document window, but the “icon” menu bar on the document window (below the "drop menu" menu bar on the current version). You put forth a good idea of making the “drop menu” menu bar optional on the document window. A agree on that point. And that should be done. To my knowledge, the current development version's document window does not have a “drop menu” menu bar (*). But, is does implements the same thing via a right mouse menu.

I have put all I can out there on this topic of GUI, so I'm done. It's up to the programmers now. And I see that they have bigger fish to fry ;-).



(*) And yes, I finally got the development version working ;-). It took me three nights, but I got it. My problem centered around the fact that GTK 2.4 wants pango to be compiled with the “--with-x” option – use the Xft backend (which creates pkgconfig file: pangoxft.pc) and not the FreeType2 backend (pkgconfig file: pangoft.pc). This is OK for systems that use XFree86, which have Xft and dependent libs (render, xrender...). But for non-XFree86 X systems this can be a problem. For there is no Xft and it's dependent libs on these systems. Also in my three day drama, was that I compiled Python 2.2, but PyGTK 2.4.1 wanted Python 2.3+. This was just on my laptop – so no harm done. So if you wondered why I was desperate for an easy out... ;-). As long as I got.... it's all good.

The GNOME HIG recommends the existence of a menubar that contains all
the available commands:

The best place for such a menubar would be the document window since it
is the widest one (in most cases).

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