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importance of willful breach of copyright Re: [circle] Resumption of adw

From: Peter Moulder
Subject: importance of willful breach of copyright Re: [circle] Resumption of adwords
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 23:36:20 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.3i

A couple of people have in this thread emphasized the importance of
using circle to distribute copyrighted works without the permission of
the copyright owner, as a means of encouraging change of laws.

I think a more promising approach in the case of music is to support
musicians that allow their music to be downloaded.  Even just playing
someone's music in your office or home, and telling ppl about musicians you
like, is a form of support, that helps create demand for that music.

It works on both sides of the balance: by not playing as much music by
people who don't allow downloading, you're giving less support to those
people, making that option less desirable to musicians, and moving
customers away from the big distributors who spend their money on RIAA

You are also demonstrating the viability of a music industry that allows
people to download music.  The viability of alternative models is an
important criterion for both musicians deciding how to distribute their
work and for legislators deciding whether copyright-like measures are
necessary to motivate the creation & distribution of creative works.

njh posted a good article

which among other things gives URLs to sites containing music where
the musician (or rather copyright owner) has given permission for people
to download the music:


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