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Re: [DotGNU]Basic software that is going to be needed

From: Charles Iliya Krempeaux
Subject: Re: [DotGNU]Basic software that is going to be needed
Date: 26 Jul 2001 14:37:33 -0700


On 27 Jul 2001 02:05:16 +0500, meson wrote:
> Hi,
> In order to provide an open source implementation
> under the GPL, dont you think that there should be open source tools
> like web servers, web browsers that work accross different
> OS's/Processors, and are under the GPL. I am unaware (due to
> unfamiliarity with open source software) of such implementations. Dont
> you think that efforts should start on implementing the basic
> functionality of these tools? As an example, someone on the AUTH list
> asked how a software might hook into IE. I tried to search the msdn,
> but I didnt come up with anything useful. Implementing our own tools
> under the GPL would not only make us familiar with their workings, and
> hence allow us to modify their behaviour at will, but also give the
> masses out there, the chance to use these GPL'd tools for a change.

IMO, if you want DotGNU to get wide spead adoption, it will have to work
with what people already have.  (And not forcing them to use our
version of the browser, web server, etc.)

If they use IE, then we need to make something that works with IE.  (A
plug-in, an ActiveX component, or whatever.)  If they use Apache, then
we need to make something that works with Apache.  (An Apache module

And this will probably mean that alot of this stuff will have to
be LGPLed (instead of GPLed).

See ya

     Charles Iliya Krempeaux

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