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Re: [orgweb/zh-CN] [DRAFT PATCH] Tentative zh-CN translation

From: Ruijie Yu
Subject: Re: [orgweb/zh-CN] [DRAFT PATCH] Tentative zh-CN translation
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 23:17:56 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.22; emacs 30.0.50

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> Ruijie Yu <ruijie@netyu.xyz> writes:
>>> Series of commits is ok.
>> I have decided to push the changes to an unlisted cloned project on
>> sourcehut (https://sr.ht/~ruijieyu/orgweb), since otherwise I would have
>> to generate the patchset in every iteration, and attach the files to
>> emails _one by one_ on mu4e.  Let me know if you need me to attach the
>> patchset to keep a trace on the ML -- it takes me a while but I can do
>> it.
> mu4e does not support multiple selection when attaching files? AFAIK,
> Emacs supports drag-and-drop for attachments.

Hanno provided additional hints on that, and I will try to use dired to
place attachments in my next iteration. 

>>>>   * I think the "#+description:" portion of each *.org file can be just
>>>>     moved into setup.org?  That way we don't duplicate it twenty times.
>>> Agree.
>> Noted.  I did not touch the descriptions outside of zh-CN; please let me
>> know if I should.
> It will be a good idea.

I'll update all "#+description" fields outside zh-CN in a single,
separate commit, unless you have other ideas.

>>> It will be useful to add alternative websites in Mandarin/Cantonese as a
>>> secondary link.
>> Sounds good, will do on my next iteration.  One more question: should I
>> add the secondary link next to the primary link, or should I add them as
>> footnotes?
> IMHO, it will make sense to have an immediately visible alternative
> link. So, secondary link will do. Or you may even make the Chinese link
> primary, as the one that is more likely to be useful.


>> On second look, this may just be because I ran `C-c C-e h h'.  I tried
>> to run this command on the English site, and the generated site also
>> behaves like what I described above.
>> I am curious about the differences between `C-c C-e h h' and publish.sh.
>> I didn't run publish.sh because I don't think the publish script should
>> be run locally as-is, since it contains hardcoded paths.
> Publishing is quite a bit different. For example, it tries hard to make
> the HTML anchors stable. There are other differences as well.

Got it.  As evident from some of my other messages, I have therefore
switched over to using publish.sh because I want to be able to see how
exactly each page looks.



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