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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Plan (was: Umbrello)

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Plan (was: Umbrello)
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 17:54:36 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/

> Apropos of UML, I have had an interesting conversation with the RMIT 
> stundents and 
> John Mackenzie today. Alan commented, correctly I believe,
This is what I mean. Don't leave "us" out of the loop.

> John identified several core features that would allow gnumed
> to be used under controlled circumstances for patient care by
> Australian GPs.
Excellent. I am positive that they will pretty much match what
other countries require for initial deployment. Please write
them down.

Taking your bullet list and the list posted earlier
I propose this "plan":

1) patient input/search/modification
   - no family relationship handling
   - search done
   - mediocre attempt at input/modification available
2) keeping progress notes in simple SOAP structured text
   input fields (clin_note/clin_history/clin_physical rows)
   - optional, partially done
3) export of progress notes
   - per patient
   - ASCII to text files for re-use
   - constrained by date, encounter, episode, health issue
   - proof-of-intent for interoperability
4) allowing third-party apps to connect to a GnuMed instance,
   lock it into a patient and release that lock later on
5) drug information browser if data is available locally
   - PBS via via XML-RPC, initially
   - AMIS (German) to follow
6) document archive
   - optional
   - nearly done
7) simple ConfigRegistry
   - complete default config data
   - nearly done
8) referrals writing
   - referral form
   - accompanying referral letter
9) prescription
   - *very* complex to cover all cases (I can write a senior
     year AP English essay on that if you want)
   - start with simple, most common cases
10) past history/problem list
   - problem list only, really, since past history is either
     covered by 2) or not yet wanted (paper record)
   - problem list: some conceptual obfuscation as to how
     episodes overlap with diagnoses and problem lists
   - in a way, episode names *are* the problem list
11) path results
   - one excellently defined area of work
   - high on my list as well
   - easily assignable sub-project

> Can we commit to these modules as the next step to move
> forward? I would like to draw up a basic design document before
> the conference covering these areas.
Please do.

When answering please keep the plan intact and add to it or
move it to a permanent URL where modifications appear and
discuss individual parts of it in the list. In fact, I will do
so now and follow up with a link.

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