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Re: [Gnumed-devel] low Performance

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] low Performance
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 17:53:13 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.1

On Saturday 05 June 2004 17:42, Hilmar Berger wrote:
> Hi all,
> just to give some more data on the follow-up issues: I tried as
> remote database, with no difference in performance. Seems that the
> bottleneck is not in the backend but in the data transmission. I dont know
> if the low upload bandwidth of my ASDL line is to blame - maybe someone
> with a fast internet uplink should try to reproduce the results. What this
> time really shocked me was the even changing the patient takes about 30-40
> seconds. It seems that there are a lot of widgets reloading there contents
> even when not displayed.
Accessing it takes 17sec to start Gnumed, 10 sec to change the 
patient (which is way too long :-) ), 72sec to open the labjournal (fetching 
50 or so records)

Local machine: open Gnumed with many (more than with tabs takes 
9sec. switching patients 2-3sec. Only 2 seconds to open the lab journal.
> If the large number of single SQL-queries caused by business object
> initiation is in fact the reason for this delay, then it might be more
> efficient to move more logic from business objects to the backend. One
> could as well try to fetch a larger but more fuzzy junk of patient related
> data in some backend method and do the selection of needed data in the
> business objects. It is also quite obvious that caching or even preloading
> patient data (from waiting room list) could boost performance. Right now
> changing a patient removes all data of the former one.
> Maybe some points are really post-0.1 issues, on the other hand we
> shouldn't implement algorithms that are known to be lowering perfomance.
> Telling a new user that he could try the public db but should not wonder if
> it is awfully slow could lead to rather unpleasant first encounters with
> gnumed.
> Hilmar
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Sebastian Hilbert 
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