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Re: [Gnumed-devel] SOAP widget navigation

From: Jim Busser
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] SOAP widget navigation
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:51:12 -0700

I am wondering how the SOAP widget might function before saving data, as well as in a reviewing and editing (auditing) capacity.

So far Richard has suggested that within an encounter, multiple draft RFEs with draft SOAP/AOE elements could co-exist as a list with each ideally expressed in a condensed, single-line format:

Hypertension:S:request BP check..O:.130/80......A..good control.... P...script.
URTI: S.cough,runny nose.....O.NAD..A:Viral URTI...P:  Symptomatic etc
Undiagnosed: S vaguely unwell.....0:nil to find A ?diagnosis P.FBC, ESR, etc..


At any one time, any one could be easily brought up into the on-screen edit area for further input or modification. This would permit easy switching to whichever note that the data to be input warrants. Is this multi-problem functionality targeted for 0.1, or should the plan for 0.1 be constrained to single-problem encounters?

After we have support for multi-problem encounters, an elegant function (post 0.1) would support drag-and-drop where the content in one note, where it is decided to pertain better to one of the other pending notes, could be dropped onto it and, based on its origin from any one SOAP/AOE section, be appended to the corresponding section. The original note might remain in the edit area or, if desired, we could have the destination note respond by jumping up into the edit area.

I don't know whether during creation of the SOAP notes, and while they are being worked on, the rows will exist only in memory, or will have their content written immediately, or cached at intervals decided by postgres, into table records? Are they then immediately subject to audit requirements? If we are willing to tolerate this limitation for 0.1 -- choosing to delay until post 0.1 Horst's limbo proposal -- will audit functions be invisible to the user?

I did not see in the schema an an audit_explanation/comment/annotation field into which the user can be permitted or forced to annotate a source or reason. If it was desired to require or at least support this data element, I was wondering whether as part of a SOAP edit/audit function, we could activate a previously written SOAP entry such as the example I gave earlier today, and support an in-line audit annotation within square brackets or braces so:


S: sore throat 3d, mild pain on swallow, no nose, ear Sx, no cough


S: sore throat 7d, no fever {patient correction/addition}, mild pain on swallow, no nose, ear Sx, no cough

Programming could identify that the content had been changed and/or the parser could assume it from user input of the audit annotation characters. These characters could be allowed to be input anywhere inside the element, for example I could have inserted at the end of the Soap line. Upon committing, the content could then be invisibly written into the audit_annotation for me. I suppose it would be handy for any audit information to be displayed within the SOAP line maybe using the same convention i.e. displaying it within brackets or braces, so that the user (maybe a covering doctor) can know whether it might have changed since they last viewed it. If there is yet a further change to be made, the audit annotation could be revised or replaced to create the newest version. It may or may not be feasible/desirable to make the audit markers unalterable in the same way that we wish the SOAP labels to be (relatively) alterable within the edit area.

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