On Wed, May 04, 2011 at 03:10:53PM -0300, Rogerio Luz wrote:
> > Just so I get this right:
> >
> > When you rename an episode (or issue) from "Diabetes type 2,
> > insulin dependant" to "Hypertension" you *do* want to have
> > the Diabetes codes stick with the now-Hypertension episode ?
> When does this renaming take effect? For now *yes* I would like to be stuck
> with that code, if it was not put there by mistake. If I am with a DM
> patient that now BECOMES Hyper I would like it to stick.
> Give me an example of a work flow and I will try to explain my view.
- user starts GNUmed
- user activates Kirk
- user sees episode "Diabetes" with Diabetes ICD code
- user goes "WTF ?!? This episode is about hypertension !"
- user edits episode name to "Hypertension"
At this time do you want to end up with the now-Hypertension
episode still having the Diabetes ICD code ?