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Re: Using -Tpdf rather than -Tps and then ps2pdf

From: Damian McGuckin
Subject: Re: Using -Tpdf rather than -Tps and then ps2pdf
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 18:31:17 +1000 (AEST)

Hi Oliver,

On Mon, 12 Jun 2023, Oliver Corff wrote:

isn't it the case that the paper format must also be announced to gropdf, not only the source document, in case the system default is letter?

I am a total novice.

Did you try the -p option with gropdf?

No. I just used

        groff -ma4 -mm -rO2c -rW17c -fT -t -e -U -Tpdf guide > guide.pdf

Even adding the following options

        -dpaper=a4 -P-pa4

does. I think there is a miniscule difference in rendering the bar over
the top of a square root between the -Tps driver (as then translated by
ps2pdf) and the -Tpdf driver. But it could be my old eyes.

Thanks - Damian

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