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Re: How to get the new frame?

From: Javier
Subject: Re: How to get the new frame?
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 22:38:35 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: tin/2.2.1-20140504 ("Tober an Righ") (UNIX) (Linux/3.18.6-1-ARCH (x86_64))

I don't have a windows computer at reach, so I cannot do much.
In any case, some points

> display-mm-dimensions-alist is a variable defined in `frame.el'.
> Its value is (("t400" 304 . 190))
> Original value was nil

"t400" doesn't look like a valid display name.


(setq display-mm-dimensions-alist '(t . (304 . 190)))

t without quotes means all displays, should be always valid and be
enough for you unless you want to do a screen by screen individual

> (display-mm-width "t400") evals to Display name does not exist

That tells you that "t400" is not a valid display name.
What does it give?

M-: (x-display-list)

I'm curious to see how displays are named in Win32.  It might not even work
as there is no X server in Win32.

> (display-mm-width) evals to 508
> (display-mm-height) evals to 318
> but both numbers are more than 50% too big for the size of the physical 
> screen in mm (304 by 190)

Are you using two screens like a laptop and an external monitor?
Anyway, don't worry much, I'm not surprised that emacs or the OS
are getting the wrong info.

For the rest I cannot tell you anything.  I have never used proportional
fonts in emacs.  Good luck with that.

B. T. Raven <> wrote:
> Thanks, Eli and Javier. See below
> On 7/23/2015 2:26 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>>> From: "B. T. Raven" <>
>>> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:21:52 -0500
>>>> Is display-monitor-attributes-list what you want?  Or maybe
>>>> display-mm-width and display-mm-height?  Or display-pixel-width and
>>>> display-pixel-height?  There are more, of course.
>>> Thanks, Eli. I have the last four functions documented but not the first
>>> (variable?) in w32 24.3.
>> Upgrade to 24.5, the latest, and you will have the first function as
>> well.
>>> I have put:
>>>    '(display-mm-dimensions-alist (quote (("t400" 304 . 190))))
>>> in (custom-set-variables using custom but that doesn't register the
>>> display monitor (14.1" diag.).
>> I don't understand what that means, nor what you wanted to achieve,
>> and how exactly did you try achieving that via
>> display-mm-dimensions-alist.  Please show more of your code.
>>> Apparently the display part of the alist can be either nil, t, or a
>>> string but I can't get mm or pixel height or width through those
>>> functions after setting up the alist.
>> Again, I fail to follow.  Where I'm typing this, I get
>>    M-: (display-mm-height) RET => 180
> after trying to customize I see:
> display-mm-dimensions-alist is a variable defined in `frame.el'.
> Its value is (("t400" 304 . 190))
> Original value was nil
> then
> (display-mm-width "t400") evals to Display name does not exist
> (display-mm-width) evals to 508
> (display-mm-height) evals to 318
> but both numbers are more than 50% too big for the size of the physical 
> screen in mm (304 by 190)
>> What doesn't work for you?  Was this the function you tried?
>>> Btw, what is this first string in the documentation of the variable:
>>> (":0.0" . (287 . 215))?
>> The display name, only significant on X.
>>> I was hoping that Emacs might be able to interrogate the hardware
>>> somehow through the OS.
>> It does.
>>> In the context of my original question, is my goal somehow
>>> achievable.  If so, what's the recipe?
>> Not sure what is the question, exactly.  You said back then:
>>> I use 2 frames under w32, w64, courier (monospace 8 line high) to
>>> display *Calendar* and arial (proportional font) for everything else. Is
>>> there any other way to accomplish this?
>> Other than what? other than using a separate frame?  Then I suggest to
>> have a look at buffer-face-mode and its commands.  That's what is at
>> work when you click Shift-mouse-1 and select a font for the current
>> buffer.
> I think I always use only two fonts (same size). I knew about 
> buffer-face-mode but I don't use it. Instead I tried to set up two 
> frames and their associated fonts once and for all in the init file.
> As far as I know the only code that affects all this are these lines:
> "
> (setq initial-frame-alist '((name . "arial") (top . 370) (left . 1) 
> (width . 205) (height . 18)))
> ...
> (make-frame '((name . "courier")
>    (top . 1) (left . 1)
>    (width . 223) (height . 18)
>    (visibility . icon))) ;; nil or icon
> ...
> (custom-set-faces
>  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
>  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
>  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
>  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
>  '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "ghostwhite" :foreground 
> "black" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil 
> :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 108 :width normal 
> :family "outline-arial unicode ms"))))
>  '(scroll-bar ((t (:background "#ffffff" :foreground "#000000")))))
> ... and finally
> (select-frame-by-name "courier")
> (set-frame-font "-outline-Courier 
> New-normal-r-normal-normal-*-*-96-96-c-*-iso10646-1")
> ;; the actual (present) width and height numbers are now just a vestige 
> of my experimenting with the two frames long time ago, dividing the 
> display in half roughly). What I want are two full width frames, an 8 
> line monospace-font frame for *Calendar* and a 24 line proportional-font 
> frame both on the display at once. Now I can only do that by fiddling 
> with the frames manually.
> Thanks,
> Ed

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