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Re: not good proposal: "C-z <letter>" reserved for users

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: not good proposal: "C-z <letter>" reserved for users
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 00:23:33 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Robert Thorpe wrote:

> I never said that shell job control is the only way to
> achieve these objectives.
> But, it is a very quick way of doing it. Opening another
> tmux tab then running something like kill or top is much
> more long-winded. It takes dozens of keypresses rather than
> just one.

Well, if I would really rely on this, I think I'd have
a dedicated tmux pane or set of panes with some interactive
software and all the processes shown and grouped in an
organized way.

But the point is, if you have tmux you don't need to suspend
your editor in order to do a routine task. You can just bring
forward an empty tmux pane anytime and do whatever task
there instead.

The very few times one has to kill processes manually sending
signals the shell tools seem more than enough capable and also
fast enough to do this.

Like I said, if I ever needed something better and faster, and
I don't know where that'd be? - but anyway then I'd look for
something even bigger, rather than much smaller.

- Sir, we have a problem! The shell tools aren't fast enough!
- Son, suspend the text editor!
- Sir yes sir!


> I very much doubt that Debian have given you a version of
> Zsh without job-control. I expect it's disabled by
> a configuration somewhere.

Yes, I take that back. It is enabled by default.

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