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Re: Resources for an old newbie ?

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Resources for an old newbie ?
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 07:54:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Michael Heerdegen wrote:

>> No kidding, but there should be a clear line what warnings
>> are considered unimportant and maybe people don't care to
>> get rid of them.
> None of them is unimportant!

Not in terms of technology, but in terms of the
human/technology interface maybe, because if compilation
buffers are always flooded by stuff that no one really expects
to fix - I mean, if that's the case - then maybe an interface
solution how to mute them would be useful.

> I just think all the problems are not new in the OPs init
> file, they just had not being discovered until now (and
> there were the obsoletion warnings). So using the old Emacs
> version is as good as using a master build and ignore the
> warnings (for now) - that's what I wanted to say.
>> Warnings should only be when there is a WARNING not trying
>> to enforce some convention or habit for no real practical
>> reason, also bugs are often introduced when fixing bugs, so
>> one shouldn't "overfix" them.
> From participating in emacs-dev I can tell that this is
> not happening.

Okay, so why aren't they fixed then? I see it all the time
from not just compiling but also from native compilation and
compilations from just a few packages I have from there.
Believe me, there are TONS of warnings!

As you know, Emacs has a bunch of tools and commands how to
improve the style of packages, docstrings, maybe some other
things. They are useful and you don't get annoyed by them and
whatever they can correct in your files, because that is what
you want should happen. However here, it is about compiling
stuff, then you don't really care what style-points other
people didn't score, at that point it is about installing, not
improving one's Elisp skills.

So like I said, one could have an option to mute certain
warnings etc ...

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