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Re: lost in trying to fine oll-core and or package.ily

From: Freeman Gilmore
Subject: Re: lost in trying to fine oll-core and or package.ily
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 10:28:36 -0400

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 1:50 AM Urs Liska <address@hidden> wrote:

Am 15.10.19 um 03:26 schrieb Freeman Gilmore:

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 7:48 PM Andrew Bernard <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Bill,

Having cloned the git repository, here are the instructions for use:

You need oll-core, oll-misc, and snippets at the least.

Openlilylib is not core lilypond, but it is indispensable. The \shapeII function is powerful and after a while you get to know what numbers are needed. I use that function constantly.

I am fairly sure you need lilypond 2.19 to use OLL currently.

As you get into this, please note you need to use the module.ily versions of the code, not the old definitions.ily versions.

Clone it anywhere you like, then add the path to your lilypond include path.

I am not a programmer, but I am trying to understand the include path.   Say I clone here C:\openLilyLib\.   Then I want to use some files in snippets; and I include the path C:\openLilyLib\snippets\.   Would that include path give me access to all the files and subfiles in snippets?   Would setting the path to C:\openLilyLib\in the environmental variables do anything for this?     This and any thing you may add to this topic would be useful to me.   So far Google has not cleared this up for me.

The include path is documented in (the -I command line option), but that's of course not very helpful if you haven't got your head around the concept in the first place.

When you use \include in a LilyPond file LilyPond will look for it in a number of places, like LilyPond's internal files and the directory the compiled .ly document is in. If you have

  \include "relative/path/to/file.ily"

LilyPond will find it if it is in the given relative path to *any* of its search path entries.
If the file should happen to be present in multiple of these locations LilyPond will use the *first* one it finds.

You can explicitly *add* paths to the search path by providing them with the -I command line option, and when you use Frescobaldi paths can be added using Preferences=>LilyPond preferences (or as session specific paths in Session=>Manage...) - which internally does the same and adds the -I option to the LilyPond invocation.

So, for openLilyLib this means:

  • You need *one* root directory where all openLilyLib packages will be located *below*, say C:\openLilyLib
  • Within that you need to have (at least) the oll-core package, in C:\openLilyLib\oll-core (so you'll have a file C:\openLilyLib\oll-core\package.ily)
  • Then you need to add C:\openLilyLib to LilyPond's search path
I have seen this in other places; were do I do this?   Is this an Environment Variable setting, if so how?   How do i add C:\openLilyLib to LilyPond's search path?   Else were most is explained but this but this step is left with no clue.
Thank you, ƒg

  • After that \include "oll-core/package.ily" will start searching at C:\openLilyLib and find the package.ily file => This will "load the openLilyLib infrastructure".
  • Additional packages have to be placed beside oll-core, e.g. in C:\openLilyLib\snippets or C:\openLilyLib\scholarly
  • From there oll-core can be used to load packages or modules using its \loadPackage or \loadModule commands, both of which are not *LilyPond* commands but are defined in oll-core
  • It is irrelevant *where* all this happens, but it is mandatory that the relative paths (i.e. everything next to each other in one root directory) are exactly like described above and that the package directories are named exactly as they are programmed (you may not give them "speaking" names or adjust the capitalization).


Thank you, ƒg


On Tue, 15 Oct 2019 at 10:27, Bill via lilypond-user <address@hidden> wrote:
In trying to follow along with this list I was unable to get to my root directory (linux mint 18.?) even though I have admin privileges. using locate and find command in terminal did not come up with
package.ily or oll-core.  I also searched the general internet and  found lots of references to this but no way to download the ily file as I have done a
few times in the past.

[ root ]
|- - oll-core

Any help or pointers are appreciated.

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