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Re: [Lynx-dev] reaching gmail in basic html?

From: Steffen Nurpmeso
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] reaching gmail in basic html?
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 15:16:07 +0100
User-agent: s-nail v14.9.15-202-ga6c89566

Karen Lewellen wrote in <\>:
 |On Wed, 6 Nov 2019, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> David Woolley wrote in <b37a4e09-2152-ac08-bbd8-fc5626749d9a@david-wooll\
 |>|On 05/11/2019 22:14, Karen Lewellen wrote:
 |>|> 1. I do not, cannot physically use the windows operating system.
 |>|Even if you are blind, the in industry expectation is that you use a
 |>|program called JAWS, under Windows.  In fact, many companies seem to
 |>|think that all that is necessary for their web site to be accessible is
 |>|that it can be used under JAWS.
 |>|If you still want a non-graphical environment, Linux would be the
 |>|operating system of choice.
 |>|Whilst there are standards for remoting accessing mail, there are no
 |>|effective ones for remotely accessing address books, etc., so if you use
 |>|a network based service for this you have to accept that they will be
 |>|targeting Windows users only, and any accessibility considerations will
 |>|assume the use of JAWS + Windows.
 |> They plan to overcome that with the JMAP protocol, the mail part
 |> of which became RFC 8621.
 |>|By insisting on MS-DOS, you are putting yourself in a position where it
 |>|is becoming increasingly difficult to support your usage.

 |May I ask on what you base my *insistence* on ms dos?

I did not say anything over DOS.  Personally i was using 4DOS for
some years, until about ~20 years ago.  For years, at least five
or six, i always want to install and try out FreeDOS, but did not
make it even when they had their jubilee.  Maybe someday i make

 |Unfortunately, due to an auditory processing disorder tied to a surgical 
 |vascular accident,  some frequencies, most software generated voices 
 |stimulate the dizzy centres of my brain.
 |That means for me the safe ranges come from hardware sources, dectalk 
 |Given the quality of that speech, one would think those creating windows 
 |based programs would have  kept the patents and code for those voices.
 |Instead, one company  bought another wasted resources and created 
 |disturbingly poor quality  speech instead.

You could see me standing lost.

 |To be sure I prefer a low graphics environment.
 |Still as the saying goes DOS ain't dead, check out the djdpp project, or 
 |even freedos.

Yes, FreeDOS i would have interest in.  And Haiku, too.

 |What is largely dead?  the assumption that  humans even if they share a 
 |label , are still individuals, with unique bodies circumstances and 

Yes, the individuals.  But be aware of the masses.

 |The assumption, often perpetuated by  consumer groups and software makers 
 |is that all people sharing a label are Interchangeable.
 |Did Linux write drivers t incorporate dectalk in products like the reading 
 |edge? no.
 |Can dos be a graphical platform, certainly.
 |Was access to basic html in gmail important to many, not even tied to 
 |Absolutely, do a search for the phrase  how do I  access gmail in basic 
 |html?  and you will find lots and lots of lists where people discuss the 
 |benefits for various reasons.
 |before you decide I am insisting on anything perhaps ask why the platform 
 |is needful.  Perhaps if more developers did not take a one user fits all 
 |approach, I would have safer voices to use.

Hm, hm.  Well, well.  I prefer the basic HTML too, on the other
hand i am lucky not to have a need to go to the web interface,
practically ever.  Sometimes they force a login, sometimes mails
are too large to become forwarded to the address stuff gets
redirected to.  (I do not really regulary use GMail as such no
more, via POP3 / IMAP / SMTP that is, only for testing, for which
i am thankful, i do have some GMail-only accounts, but these have
practically no traffic, and they are also forwarded, only SMTPS it
is for them, in practice.)
I never used anything beyond plain email at GMail, not a crime,
but a rhyme.  He.  Sorry.

 --End of <address@hidden>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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