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Re: [Mldonkey-users] output of client_stats

From: Michael Panteleit
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] output of client_stats
Date: 26 Dec 2002 21:29:56 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

winhasser <address@hidden> writes:

> Indeed very nice work. Could you please post the script?

You have to do a very tiny patch to driver/ at line 140:

        eval auth cmd options;
        Buffer.add_char buf '\n';
        TcpBufferedSocket.write_string sock (Buffer.contents buf);

        eval auth cmd options;
        Buffer.add_char buf '\n';
        Buffer.add_char buf '>';
        TcpBufferedSocket.write_string sock (Buffer.contents buf);

As far as I can see it won't break anything. But it delivers the
prompt I need for the following Perl-Script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Net::Telnet;

my $tel;
my %stats;
my @lines;
  my $kind;
my ($uptime,$uptime1);

my %clients = ( 'Total' => 0,
                'eDonkey' => 1,
                'old mldonkey' => 2,
                'new mldonkey' => 3,
                'Overnet' => 4,
                'old eMule' => 5,
                'new eMule' => 6,
                'server' => 7

$tel = new Net::Telnet(Host=>"derry", Port=>4000, Prompt=>'/^\s*$/');
$tel->waitfor('/Welcome on mldonkey command-line/');

@lines = $tel->cmd(String=>'client_stats', Prompt=>'/>\s>$/');

for my $line ( $tel->cmd(String=>'client_stats', Prompt=>'/>\s>$/') ){
  if ($line =~ /(\d+) sec.*\((.*)\)/){
    $uptime = $1;
    $uptime1= $2;

  if ($line =~ /Total (\w*)\D+(\d+)/){
    $kind = $1;
    $stats{$kind}->[0] = $2;

  $line =~ /\s+(.*):\D+(\d+)/;
  $stats{$kind}->[$clients{$1}] = $2;


print "Uptime: $uptime  $uptime1\n";
printf "      Client  seen       | Downloads  |  Uploads   |  Banned\n";

printf "%12s %5d %5.1f%%| %5.1f %5.1f| %5.1f %5.1f| %3d %3.1f%%\n",
  foreach ( sort {$clients{$a}<=>$clients{$b}} keys %clients );

One problem: I forgot that as long as there is no upload/download/ban
there is the message "You didn't upload anything". You have to wait
'til there is no such message in client_stats.

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