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Re: [Social-discuss] Which of four projects are we doing?

From: Rob Myers
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] Which of four projects are we doing?
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 17:17:15 +0000
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On 27/03/10 16:54, Henry Litwhiler wrote:
> On 3/27/10 12:48 PM, Rob Myers wrote:
>> We can compile the PHP with Facebook's PHP compiler if we need C. ;-)
> The only reason we would do that is if we need speed, which we don't.
> I'm saying we need something that can actually /run/ on a computer
> rather than be served via a web server.

PHP can be used as a local programming language. Or compiled to C and
built to run locally.

> I'm just saying that users should be able to easily run it on their own
> computers, so buying external hosting should be completely unnecessary.

Yes, and to ensure that we need an easily available programming language
that isn't tied to any particular hardware platform or platform. PHP
fits the bill, and can be run easily on people's computers from the
command line or using their local web server.

Lots of software takes the local scripting language or local webserver
approach. Package managers or bundling make it easy to install and use
the software.

Your local machine is a server that you own. It just doesn't know that
yet. ;-)

- Rob.

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