Hello Haruka,
Besides libtools-2.2.2, I also installed autoconf-2.62 and automake-1.9.6. As Marcus suggests, install them into a local directory instead of overwriting the system versions.
This allowed me to run autogen.sh without error, though when I do the configure I still get the CDPATH error, but it doesn't seem to prevent Swarm from compiling.
All is not well though, as the tests fail (still have to look into this) and JavaSwarm is not usable; however it compiles sufficiently enough that ObjC heatbugs runs.
cheers Scott On Apr 26, 2008, at 1:56 AM, 松崎遥 wrote: Hello, Mr. Christley. I am Haruka from Japan, 2008 GSoC Student.
I got the same "CDPATH not found" error on Leopard maybe due to libtools, and I haven't yet conquered it. In my case, autogen.sh also produces some error such as "non-POSIX variable name". If you see the same message, autogen doesn't work fine. I wish to know how to deal with it if you succeed in installing.(Maybe reinstalling libtools2.2.2 is the best way)
Regards. 2008/4/26 Marcus G. Daniels < address@hidden>: glen e. p. ropella wrote: Why wouldn't they let you use Leopard? They have an army of people here that fret over security. When a new product comes out people here pick it apart to make sure the Chinese, etc. aren't going to exploit some vulnerability.. We're still not supposed to install Vista. Some of it has to do with the commercial availability of large scale system maintenance tools from 3rd parties.. Marcus
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