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Re: [Traverso-devel] compiling from cvs

From: Remon
Subject: Re: [Traverso-devel] compiling from cvs
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 17:36:46 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6

Hi Matt,

As mentioned in other mails, you either have to instruct the linker to find 
the traverso libs, or compile them statically!

There's no need to install traverso, a qmake && make or ./cleancompile is all 
that is needed.
You can run traverso from the root directory by: ./traverso

The projectfile saving format has changed, I'm not sure if I'm able to write 
a 'convert thing' from 0.30.x -> 0.40 +

CVS has some interesting features, the InputEngine now also handles mouse 
button and scroll wheel events, as well as 'modifier keys' for hold actions.
Those events can be assigned to any 'action' you want, on a per object basis, 
so it would be great if you can think of some to add to the current set :-)
(See resources/keymap.xml for the bindings, it's quite readable)
CVS also has some rough edges, that's being worked on though, I'm about to 
upload some fixes that handle some serious regressions introduced recently, 
which make traverso cvs reasonably stable again :-)

Problems and fixes reported on lau for the hda-intel chipset:

Something I can't find right now, but remember as a solution is to explicitely 
enable the capture bus in alsamixer, or configure alsa/jackd to only use the 
playback buses.
Traverso cvs has this ability too, go to settings page and set the duplex mode 
to playback only.

As mentioned earlier, alsa support in Traverso is more tested, and easier to 
use then jackd, due you don't have to setup the connections!
The alsa driver in Traverso is the same as used by jackd, so the quality and 
stability and yadayada should be the same lol.

Ah, almost forgot again, Qt 4.2 has tremendously better support/integration 
for Gnome (both in regard to the theme and 'feel').
Does Traverso automatically choose the right theme?
I don't have Gnome here, so can't check.
Please let me know how that works out for you, else, uncomment this line in 
src/traverso/main.cpp (line 119)
//      QApplication::setStyle("cleanlooks");

Have a nice day,


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