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Re: [Chicken-hackers] address@hidden: Re: 4.8.0 release?]

From: John Cowan
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] address@hidden: Re: 4.8.0 release?]
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2012 15:31:22 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Mario Domenech Goulart scripsit:

> Does make check work for you if you apply the attached patch?

Yes, it does, and all the panics go away.  However, in order to make repeatable, it has to be protected by the same test as in
the line above:

>  test -f ../cygchicken-0.dll && cp ../cygchicken-0.dll .
> +test -f ../cygchicken-0.dll && mv ../cygchicken-0.dll ../cygchicken-0.dll_

So make that the patch.

> I can't explain why it works, though.

I think Windows doesn't like it when there is more than one DLL present
on $PATH (there is no separate $LD_LIBRARY_PATH). with the same name.

I groveled over the diff between the Linux and Cygwin outputs, and I've
found these issues:

1) The signal-tests.scm test can be run fine on Cygwin, though not
on MinGW.  Either the test for "windows" is too coarse, or "windows"
itself shouldn't be defined on Cygwin (which is what most systems I
know do).  The Right Thing at this point is to fix the test, since it's
a one-line change.

2) The same is true of the Windows-conditionalized parts of

3) The deployment and reinstall tests aren't properly conditionalized
for the shared library extension, so while they sort of work, there is
a last-minute crash.  Here's the tail of the log:

======================================== reinstall tests
nothing to remove.
retrieving ...
 deleting stale file `' from local build directory
 deleting stale file `' from local build directory
 reverser located at /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/reverser/tags/1.0
checking platform for `reverser' ...
checking dependencies for `reverser' ...
install order:
installing reverser:1.0 ...
changing current directory to /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/reverser/tags/1.0
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/../csi -bnq -setup-mode -e "(require-library 
setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e "(setup-error-handling)" -e 
"(extension-name-and-version '(\"reverser\" \"1.0\"))" 
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    
-dynamic -optimize-level 3 -debug-level 1 reverser.scm -emit-import-library 
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    
-dynamic -optimize-level 3 -debug-level 0 reverser.import.scm
  cp -r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  cp -r 
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/reverser.setup-info
retrieving ...
 deleting stale file `' from local build directory
 deleting stale file `' from local build directory
 reverser located at /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/reverser/tags/1.0
checking platform for `reverser' ...
checking dependencies for `reverser' ...
install order:
installing reverser:1.0 ...
changing current directory to /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/reverser/tags/1.0
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/../csi -bnq -setup-mode -e "(require-library 
setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e "(setup-error-handling)" -e 
"(extension-name-and-version '(\"reverser\" \"1.0\"))" 
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    
-dynamic -optimize-level 3 -debug-level 1 reverser.scm -emit-import-library 
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    
-dynamic -optimize-level 3 -debug-level 0 reverser.import.scm
  cp -r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  cp -r 
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/reverser.setup-info
======================================== deployment tests
retrieving ...
 deleting stale file `' from local build directory
 deleting stale file `' from local build directory
 reverser located at /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/reverser/tags/1.1
checking platform for `reverser' ...
checking dependencies for `reverser' ...
install order:
installing reverser:1.1 ...
changing current directory to /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/reverser/tags/1.1
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/csi -bnq -setup-mode -e "(require-library 
setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e "(setup-error-handling)" -e 
"(extension-name-and-version '(\"reverser\" \"1.1\"))" 
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    
-dynamic -optimize-level 3 -debug-level 1 reverser.scm -emit-import-library 
  /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -setup-mode    
-dynamic -optimize-level 3 -debug-level 0 reverser.import.scm
  cp -r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  cp -r 
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/
  chmod a+r /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/tests/test-repository/reverser.setup-info
../chicken rev-app.scm -output-file rev-app.c -verbose -include-path ..
gcc rev-app.c -o rev-app.o -c  -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv 
-DC_PRIVATE_REPOSITORY -I.. -I"/tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/include/chicken"
rm rev-app.c
gcc rev-app.o -o rev-app/rev-app -L.. -L"/tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/lib" -lchicken 
cp /tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/ rev-app
cp: cannot stat `/tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/': No such file or 

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 256: cp 
/tmp/chicken-4.8.0rc3/bin/ rev-app

And it was said that ever after, if any                 John Cowan
man looked in that Stone, unless he had a               address@hidden
great strength of will to turn it to other    
purpose, he saw only two aged hands withering
in flame.   --"The Pyre of Denethor"

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