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[Gcl-devel] Re: 2.6.2

From: Paul F. Dietz
Subject: [Gcl-devel] Re: 2.6.2
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 06:02:53 -0500
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Camm Maguire wrote:
Greetings!  I've taken a stab at some verbiage n the release notes


I'm writing this as always too quickly, late at night, being short on
time.  I'd greatly appreciate suggestions and comments/edits.
Specifically, I want to make sure we don't overstate the condition of
GCL, yet I feel we need to state clearly where possible and fair GCL's
strong points to help ameliorate the prevailing somewhat negative
impression of our project.

  There's still something wrong with your benchmarks on cmucl.
I'm told that in cl-bench cmucl (and sbcl) run about 10x faster
than clisp on the BOYER test, but in your figures the ratio is smaller.

  Can we just use cl-bench?


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