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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Knoppix-cd gnumed doesn't run

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Knoppix-cd gnumed doesn't run
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 09:05:39 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

Hi Richard,

There are some issues with the webspace the iso is hosted at.
We are currently in the process of finding out what is wrong.

Please check the size of the iso.

"ll gnumed.iso". What date is the iso from ? 
Do you get a knoppix boot-screen with or withou the gnumed logo?

This what the webserver distributes :

     gnumed.iso              14-Jan-2003 16:43   644M

Unfortunately this is the old and most likely broken iso.

This problem is due to a webserver I have no direct access to.
The quickest way to solve this would be to find some other place to host the 

What about hosting it on the gnumed server ? Is this an option ? It is a large 
file and will be pulled at least 100 time during te next six months or so. So 
there might be some traffic involved which usually costs money.

I will try to reach someone who can fix the webserver.


On Friday 04 July 2003 05:51, richard terry wrote:
> Downloaded the iso and it boots ok, says the postmaster is running, however
> gnumed dies at the logon screen.
> I guess you guys are on top of this, but if you need some log files from my
> machine if someone tells me the password for su in this knoppix thingy I
> can mount my file server and transfer them there and email them if that is
> any help.
> If there is another fix, let me know, however certainly can't demo it using
> this CD transparently to anyone!
> Thanks
> Richard
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