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Re: [Gnumed-devel] choice of web frameworks

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] choice of web frameworks
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 15:05:31 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.3 (Linux/2.6.33-6-desktop; KDE/4.4.5; i686; ; )

Am Dienstag 13 Juli 2010, 14:46:40 schrieb lkcl:
> Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
> >> but, you would only be able to use about 2 clients because of the pool
> >> limiting on the gmPG2 code.
> > 
> > See the other message. Set the pool limit to 100 or whatever.
> yes i saw.  ok good stuff.
> Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
> > BTW. You have sent me to read up on stateless frameworks and
> > continuation. I
> > started reading and found the nagare framework which hypes itself as the
> > solution to all problems.
> > 
> > Imagine my surprise when I found out that they use pyjs.
> good god, so they do!  and they didn't tell us!  oh well.

They have some samples implemented which you could link from the pyjs website. 
And since their site looks good users will assume it looks good because of 
pyjs :-)
> Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
> > What is your take on nagare ?
> >
> * overkill for what you need in a pure-pyjamas app.  _really_.  you need
> static HTML (once and only once per startup), POST to accept multi-part
> forms (somewhere, anywhere), and JSONRPC.  oh, and a session cookie.
> _really_ nothing else.
That is what I wanted to hear. I was just thinking because of that session 
stuff but you have indicated that you have solved that already, didn't you ?
Or is this not of concern anymore since the connection limit could be raised ?

> * they recommend i think it's either sqlalchemy or mysqldb.
Yeah I read that. 

> * it uses stackless python.  do you want to be the one to ask gnumed users
> to use stackless python?  i mean, it _may_ be fine (live cd and so on), so
> maybe i'm reading in too much / assuming too much.
I did not  notice that and would have to research wtf stackless python is

Am I right in assuming that given your latest post on the "special framework" 
you created in combination with the connection limit being raised it is 
possible to implement what I have been looking for all along ?

If so that would be great. Can't wait to see some of it in action.


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