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Re: better terminology to promote freedom

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: better terminology to promote freedom
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 05:29:10 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.2.0 (2022-02-12)

* Preston Miller Firestone via libreplanet-discuss 
<> [2022-03-23 17:22]:
> TL;DR: Testing search terms related to "free software" in
> duckduckgo"

As Duckduckgo recently clearly stated that they can and will
manipulate specific search terms to be lower ranked than it should be;
I can't say that this search engine is behaving ethically and that it
can be used as ethical standard for these measures you presented.

> "free software" returned results recommending software that we would
> call "gratis", like Photoshop Express, right next to software we would
> call "free", like the GNU image manipulation program. Most of the other 
> results are focused on software that can be downloaded without
> paying, rather than software that respects the user's freedom. A
> noteable exception on the first page is sourceforge, but their result
> says "free open source software".

When presenting results of an URL, then I recommend to post the URL

There is also difference if you used terms

- [free software] with quotes 


- [free software] without quotes

Here is one example for "free software" with quotes:

And I get 5 examples of "free software" as in the definition from free
software philosophy, while other examples are not relevant. 

Though my result is quite different from your above described result,
I did not get any information about Photoshop Express for example.

In general I don't think you or we shall rely on automated search
engines to give us some standards of how words should be used.


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