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Re: [Pan-users] Aggregating servers (was Re: choosing news server)

From: David Kelly
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Aggregating servers (was Re: choosing news server)
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 18:38:46 -0500

On Jul 4, 2006, at 4:18 PM, walt wrote:

I'm sorry to say I found it so contrary to the way I work, that I gave up
entirely, until the new version reaches 1.0 -- which, I hope, I hope
(pretty please with sugar on it?) may make it an option whether to
aggregate them. Is there hope?

No idea.  But, at this particular moment, I would agree.  I'm willing
to wait for group-specific preferences first, though, and then start
complaining :o)

I don't want my earlier comments to be considered a complaint. Its just an observation as not everyone operates in the same environment. I happen to have access to two news servers. The fast one is also the easiest and usually Good Enough. The slow one is usually perfect where the fast one fails.

The prior generation pan would sometimes block on downloading a multipart binary when one part was listed but not available from the server. Sometimes I could download as text and manually reassemble with yydecode. Never figured out how to convince pan to break open what it thought was a complete multipart binary and let me at each part individually.

Aggregated servers would be fantastic as when I have had this problem usually only one part was missing. But when it happens a large number of par segments have the same problem. If par won't download that par segment at all for one little missing message then the whole thing can quickly get beyond the ability of par2 to repair.

Repeating what I have said before, fortunately the old pan connects message parts in cache from one server when another server is added. Queue the same stalled multipart using a different server and it restarts using the cache state as of that moment.

So in some ways the old pan was close to having aggregated servers, at least for my purposes.

David Kelly N4HHE, address@hidden
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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