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Re: [STUMP] (sub-modules) / Contrib

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: [STUMP] (sub-modules) / Contrib
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 10:33:38 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13001 (Ma Gnus v0.10) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

David Bjergaard <address@hidden> writes:

Thanks for all your work on this!


> * Modules going forward must be asdf load-able and hence quicklisp compatible.
> * Module loading can be a matter of (ql:quickload "stump-module")
> * Module distribution can happen either via quicklisp's
>   quicklisp-projects on github, or you can "git clone" the source into
>   ~/quicklisp/local-projects depending on the module author's taste

Quicklisp has the concepts of "dists", which I don't claim to understand
completely, but looks like it might be what we want: a discrete
"ecosystem" of packages. Since these modules will be meaningless except
for stumpwm users, it might make sense to have a separate stumpwm dist,
with its own dependency structure. Creating dists doesn't seem to be
documented at the moment, but it would be interesting to know what's

> * (load-module "blah") should be able to check a minimum stumpwm
>   version, and handle the (ql:quickload "") for you (as well as loading
>   any dependencies)
> I wrote up a use case here:
> I think this takes care of all my worries about the current state of the
> contrib, and it does so in a way that is technologically reachable.  
> For the current contrib modules:
> * Refactored to become asdf systems and loadable by quicklisp (daimrod
>   has done work on this already)
> * Moved to their own stumpwm-contrib repo (one for all? I'm not sure)

Unless the various modules' original creators are willing to take
ownership back, it seems like it makes sense to create a single repo as
a "snapshot" of existing modules, and work from that from here on.

> * Ideally would still be able to (load-module "blah") from you rc to
>   avoid breaking rc files
> Let me know how this sounds, I appreciate everyone's feedback and
> opinions.  I hope we can move forward on this and lower the barrier to
> making modules... Then we'll take over the desktops everywhere with
> stumpwm!
> Cheers,
>     Dave

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