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Re: [eLyXer-users] Re: Advice for another LyX-oriented project

From: Jack Desert
Subject: Re: [eLyXer-users] Re: Advice for another LyX-oriented project
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 08:21:57 -0500

El Sun, 28 Mar 2010 12:57:32 +0100
Alex Fernandez <address@hidden> escribió:
> > 3. Can eLyXer run on the standard vanilla Windows installation of LyX, or 
> > are additional libraries required?  
> eLyXer is in fact contained in the Windows alt installer, without any
> further requirements than Python 2.4 or later. It will use ImageMagick
> if present for image conversion.

I notice that on windows (Vista, at least), a python file is not executable 
unless it has a .py extension. Is this why you chose to name the executable 
'elyxer.py' instead of simply 'elyxer'? Or are there other reasons?

Jack Desert     --    Writer, Entrepeneur
Author and Spokesman: www.LetsEATalready.com
Software Developer:   http://GrooveTask.org
Email: address@hidden

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